На официальном форуме я недавно наткнулся на описания возможных героев(к сожалению на английском,но смысл и дамаг скилов вы поймете,я уверен) Итак,возможный герой.
Affiliation:Sentinel (то есть встретим мы его за светлую сторону силы) Model:
Priest (маг-лекарь из обычного Warcraft 3) Theme: Psychosomatic Relationships (Mind
and Body, Body and Soul), Health and Mana Synergy, Key Support Roles:
Main: Support, Nuker
Secondary: Chaser
Builds: Nuker, Support, Battle-Int, Chaser, Secondary Tanker Attributes and Stat Growth:
Strength: 16 + 1.8
Agility: 12 + 1.2
Intelligence: 20 + 2.8 (Main Attribute)
Starting Stats:
Health: 454
Mana: 260
Armor: 1.7
Attack range: 600 Movement
Speed: 290
История героя
Эта иконка героя,отображаемая в панелях войск и в панели героев.
When the gods of the Old World descended from the heavens
to imbue Verus with their coveted understanding of body and mind, they also
burdened him with a lifelong task: keeping the feuding Life-Energies in stasis.
His stoic determination to defend this equilibrium of energy is matched only by
his tenfold hatred for enemies who would disrupt the balance. Known to friends
and foes alike as a master manipulator, he can unravel the threads of the
connection between the body and mind turning his enemies power into their
weakness. His presence on the battlefield is a beacon of hope for the Sentinel
and an omen of defeat for the Scourge. Story by Crazy Sheep bimjowen and
Cerealmaniac Расположение скилов у героя будет следующим: Learns Astral Split, Psyche Discord, Spirit Reverberation
and Condensation HERO ABILITIES
Description: The White Sage projects himself out of his
body to a location, gaining damage reduction and higher movement speed and
leaving the body idle and uncontrollable while he is in spirit form. The body
and spirit always have equal life and mana. Stunning or silencing the body or
moving too far away from the body cancels Astral Split. Duration: 13 Skill Type:
Active, Location Target Casting Range:
400 Cooldown: 60 Mana
Cost: 50/75/100/125
Framework: • When used, caster gains 0 collision,
additional movement speed, additional damage reduction. • It then does a
pseudo blink to targeted location in front of it. • A similar unit (body) is
summoned in the location prior pseudo leap; it will always have the same stats
and state as the original but is uncontrollable (stays idle on the location). If
mode is cancelled, the spirit is automatically transported back to the location
of the body. • Max range between Verus and body is 2400 • Stunning or
Silencing the body cancels this effect. • This skill is replaced by
ability Reenter while in Astral Split mode.
Description: Verus siphons the spirit
back to the body. Skill Type: Active, Single
Target, Location Target Mana Cost: 25
Framework: • Upon use, Astral Split is immediately
cancelled and the Spirit is transferred back to the body.
Description: The White Sage assaults
the mind of his target, damaging it and removing some of its mana. Targets hit
by this spell will be in Discord, stunning them on the next mana reduction.
Damage and mana reduction are proportional to current mana. Duration: 6.5 (or until triggered) Skill Type: Active, Nuke, Mana Burn, Minor Disable Casting Range: 400 Cooldown:
6 Mana Cost: 90/110/130/150
Level 1 - 40 – 70
damage and 20 – 40 mana reduction Level 2 - 80 –
140 damage and 40 – 80 mana reduction Level 3 -
120 – 210 damage and 60 – 120 mana reduction Level
4 - 160 – 280 damage and 80 – 160 mana reduction
Framework: • This ability
damages the target and reduces its mana depending on Verus’ current
mana. • Additionally, Psyche Discord status is inflicted on the target.
This makes the target be stunned 2 seconds after the next mana reduction
(meaning only once).
Description: The White Sage's aura
causes the spirit of all nearby units, enemies and allies alike, including his,
to reverberate and react, causing all enemies near them to be damaged, whenever
they experience mana loss. Skill Type:
Passive AoE: 800
Level 1 - Deals 11%
of mana lost Level 2 - Deals 14% of mana
lost Level 3 - Deals 17% of mana lost Level 4 - Deals 20% of mana lost
Framework: • Whenever a unit within an 800AoE around
Verus loses mana, a percentage of the mana lost is dealt in damage to everything
within a 500AoE around that enemy. • Can be triggered by both enemies and
allies. • Damage type is pure. • The unit who triggers this will not be
damaged. • Astral Split Spirit and Body both gets this aura. Triggers twice
if in proximity of both.
Description: Allows you to convert your
life to mana through Indulge and your mana to life through Rekindle, affecting
everything within range. Gives Indulge and Rekindle subskills. Skill Type: Passive, Support AoE: 500
Level 1 - 60 to 100
conversion factor Level 2 - 80 to 140 conversion
factor Level 3 - 120 to 200 conversion factor
Framework: • When this ability
is leveled up, it allows the use of its two aspects, Indulge and Rekindle. •
These two aspects have "shared cooldowns."
Description: At the cost of his mana,
the White Sage heals all nearby allies and damages all nearby enemies Skill Type: Active, Support, Nuke Cooldown: 5 (Shared with Indulge) Mana Cost: 60/80/120 Framework:
• When used, All allies in a 500 AoE recover some life. •
Additionally, enemies within the same AoE receive damage. • Heal and magical
damage values are 100/140/200. • This ability disables use of Indulge while
it is still in cooldown.
Description: At the cost of his life, the White Sage
recovers the mana of all nearby allies and reduces the mana of all nearby
enemies. Skill Type: Active, Support Cooldown: 5 (Shared with Rekindle) Life Cost: 60/80/120 Framework: • When used, All allies in a 500 AoE recover
some mana. • Additionally, enemies within the same AoE experience a decline
in their mana. • Mana recovery and mana reduction values are 100/140/200.
• This ability disables use of Rekindle while it is still in